The ura s powers to conduct freezing surveys have been enhanced and the procedures involved have been stipulated in greater detail 市区重建局进行冻结人口调查的权力获改善,而进行调查的程序亦更详细地列出。
Immediately after the announcement of the commencement date the authority will conduct a freezing survey to determine rehousing eligibility and ex - gratia payments 在公布开始实施的日期后,市建局会立刻进行冻结人口调查,以便就上述事项作出决定。
Most of the factual data for the detailed social impact assessment should be collected as part of the freezing survey to be conducted immediately after the publication of the proposed project in the government gazette 在政府宪报公布建议项目后,市建局会随即进行冻结人口调查,而大部分详细社会影响评估所需的数据,亦可在进行冻结人口调查的过程中一并收集。